Ten Daily Steps For Less Stress

Stress is a common and unavoidable part of life. However, too much stress can impact your health, both mentally and physically. Learning to modify your daily behavior to balance stress with relaxation can lower the production of stress hormones, slow down the aging process, and lead to a happier and healthier life. Discover these 10 daily steps for less stress, and be sure to share it with your family and friends!

1. Manage Your Time

- Flexible small routines lower stress by increasing daily predictability.

- Create short lists for today and not beyond the weekend.

- Say out loud what you are grateful for each day.

2. Prepare For The Day

- Take a few minutes every evening to prepare for your next day by deciding meal plans, picking out your outfit and arranging meetings.

3. Enjoy The Little Things

- Slow down and enjoy the moments you are in by focusing on the details of your everyday activities.

4. Move Often

- Regular exercise can reduce stress and improve your overall health whether it be a 10 minute walk to a 45 minute run to relieve anxiety.

5. Laugh Often

- Laughter releases endorphins that improve your mood and immune health which can include improving management of physical pain as well.

6. Enjoy Nature & Creativity

- Spending time outdoors can be a natural antidepressant and the natural scents and sights have a calming effect.

7. Breathe Deeply

- Take 5 minutes to breathe slowly and deeply whenever you feel anxious.

- Slow breaths reduce stress hormones while lowering heath rate and blood pressure.

8. Meditate Daily

- Meditation is about finding inner peace by simply finding ways to clear your mind such as taking a breath or listening to calming music.

9. Keep A Joy Journal

- Journaling promotes reflection and organization of your thoughts.

- Entries can be long or short and remember what you are grateful for.

10. Sleep Well!

*Courtesy of uhmchealthblog.com


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