Keep Cool with These Summer A/C Strategies

It's a common household problem, especially in the summer: some prefer a cooler temperature while others' teeth are chattering. Here are some strategies to adjust temperatures throughout your home to everyone's satisfaction. Some may keep summer energy bills lower, too.

Consider a portable A/C unit. These are particularly valuable if one member of the family prefers colder surroundings than others, or works in a home office while the rest of the family is out. These may enable you to save on energy by not running your central AC system all day. Portable, roll-away versions and window units are available.

Turbo-Charge Your A/C Ducts. Add one or more duct booster fans to cool down a too-hot room. They're easy to install - just place it in a register vent, plug it in and enjoy.

Check Out Programmable Thermostats. These pay for themselves quickly by enabling you to program your home's temperatures to complement your daily schedules. For example, if you're in a hotter state, a smart thermostat can cool your home before you arrive home at the end of a work or school day.

Crank up your ceiling fans. If your home lacks these, installing one or more is always a worthwhile DIY project. If you already have them, check to make sure yours run counter-clockwise during warmer months as this helps keep things cooler.  Even your bathroom exhaust fans can expel rising warm air on triple-digit days.


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